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Northside Pest
Management Canberra, ACT.

Quality pest control for Canberra
and surrounding region.
Northside pest management
Pest control services Canberra, ACT.

Call for a free quote
0402 714 840
Quality Guaranteed

Main pests treated are:
spiders, ants, cockroaches,earwigs, silverfish,
rats, mice, wasps, bees, fleas,
slaters, millipedes, centipedes and more.
Can't see your problem pest?
Please call or use online contact form to see if I can help you out.
Safe for children and pets.
Stop pests nesting in and around your home for up to a year.
Guaranteed for up to 6 months.
Owner operator with over 12 years local experience.
Licenced and insured.
Reliable and on time
Servicing all ACT suburbs and surrounding areas
Including: North and South Canberra, Gungahlin, Belconnen, Woden, Weston, Tuggeranong, Bungendore,
Bywong, Yass, Murrumbateman,Sutton,Gundaroo,Queanbeyan and more. Call to find out if I service your area.
Quality Pest control for Canberra and
surrounding region
Call for a free quote
0402 714 840
Northside Pest Management

Ngunnawal ACT 2913
Northside Pest Management do not treat or inspect for termites or any other timber pests.
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